The Culture Diff' service deliveries
The Culture Diff' service deliveries
Below is a list of all the services provided to date by the Culture Diff' compagny (and in progress):
March - August 2024: Scientific consultancy services for Revel City Council
At the request of the Town Council of Revel, the Culture Diff' company, in partnership with elected representatives, technical services and the Town Council's Communications department, proposed and helped to organize a series of scientific events designed for the general public during the summer of 2024:
- An exhibition on the Allées Charles de Gaulle in Revel, France, featuring 50 photographs of celestial objects captured from the ground and from space. The exhibition, entitled « A Journey into the Universe », gave rise to three public guided tours, two strolls for local schoolchildren and a series of podcasts.
- Visit from Gwénaêl Caravaca, geologist at the University of Toulouse III, to teenagers at the Espace Jeunes in Revel: a virtual reality experience on the surface of the planet Mars was proposed.
- Sky-watching evening on the shores of Lake Saint-Ferréol, animated by the Planetarium-Observatory of Montredon-Labessonnié.
- « From the Moon to the Sun » exhibition at the GET Culture Centre in Revel, produced in partnership with the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie of Toulouse and artist Châ Mokeur.
The program for these events can be found in the flyer available for download.
May 2021 - April 2025 : Communication Services at the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées)
On spring 2021, the Culture Diff' company was chosen by the direction of the IRAP to continue to promote the activities of the laboratory and its staff during the next four years. The communication services that will be performed are of several types: animation of the website (assistance to Web publication, writing and translation of press releases, updating of the existing content), design of the weekly newsletter, animation of the Twitter account @IRAP_France, of the Mastodon account @IRAP (scientific survey), of the LinkedIn account, of the Facebook account (publication of the laboratory news) and of the! page (press review) of the IRAP. These services lay in the continuity of the activities carried out at IRAP since its creation in the year 2011.
December 2020 : Design of the greeting card of the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées)
This greeting card, available in English and French, in both paper and electronic formats, was conceived on the basis of a video broadcast by the members of the NanoCosmos consortium. NanoCosmos is a laboratory experiment funded by the European Research Council and intended to recreate, on Earth, the physico-chemical conditions prevailing near the stars. Within the StarDust device, analogues of dust grains are produced and analyzed under ultra-vacuum (up to pressures of 10-11 mbar). The main instigator of this project, Christine Joblin, is an astrophysicist at IRAP. Her work has recently been rewarded with a prize from the French Academy of Sciences.
December 2017 : Creation of the greeting card of the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées)
This greeting card was designed using 2D (GIMP) and 3D (BLENDER) graphic tools as well as the SCRIBUS editing tool. It was delivered in two formats: PDF (for print) and animated GIF (for display in a web browser).
May 2017 - April 2021 : Communication Services at the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées)
At the beginning of the year 2017, the Culture Diff' company was chosen by the direction of the IRAP to continue to promote the activities of the laboratory and its staff during the next four years. The communication services that will be performed are of several types: hosting of visitors (schoolboys and girls, general public), animation of the website (assistance to Web publication, writing and translation of press releases, updating of the existing content), animation of the Twitter account @IRAP_France, contribution to the organization of scientific events. These services lay in the continuity of the activities carried out at IRAP since its creation in the year 2011.
March 2013 - February 2017 : Communication Services at the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées)
At the beginning of the year 2013, the Culture Diff' company was chosen by the direction of the IRAP to promote, both internally and externally, the activities of the laboratory and its staff during four years. The communication services that were performed were of several types: hosting of visitors (schoolboys and girls, students, professors, researchers, institutionals), animation of the website (assistance to Web publication, writing and translation of press releases, updating of the existing content), animation of the Twitter account @IRAP_France, participation in the Polaris network of the space actors in the Midi-Pyrénées region, contribution to the organization of scientific events internally (seminars, symposiums, scientific days) and externally (Science Festival, Ciel en Fête, La Novela, etc). These services laid in the continuity of the activities carried out at IRAP in the years 2011 and 2012.
November - December 2012 : Conception of flyers related to the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées) for the needs of the AAS (American Astronomical Society) Workshop
At the very beginning of January 2013 will be held the 221st workshop of the American Astronomical Society in Long Beach, USA. In order to promote the IRAP (young laboratory created in 2011) among the American astronomers, the direction of the IRAP will be present at this conference. An IRAP stand will be created for this occasion. This stand will consist of posters presenting the IRAP (largest French laboratory in the fields of astrophysics and planetology), posters of the MSL-CHEMCAM mission to which some of the IRAP employees contribute, flyers, goodies, etc. The Culture Diff' company was assigned the task to achieve both IRAP flyers: the first one is to present the different ground and space based missions to which the IRAP employees contribute, the second one details the various ways of hosting North American students, engineers and researchers at the IRAP. Both flyers are available on download here after : Flyer-IRAP-1, Flyer-IRAP-2.
November - December 2012 : Design of the Website of José-Philippe Pérez
José-Philippe Pérez is Professor Emeritus of Physics at the University Paul Sabatier of Toulouse, France. He taught the theories of mechanics, optics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, relativity, ... to several generations of students. He is the author or co-author of a dozen reference books in fundamental physics. His website aims to present each one of these books in detail - corrected exercises and simulation softwares complement them, as well as some of his most recent conferences.
This Website was made by the Culture Diff' compagny according to the coding standards HTML 5 / CSS 3.
July 2012 - February 2013 : Organization of the involvement of the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées) in various events on the theme of water on Earth and in the Universe at the Museum of Toulouse
Within the framework of the International Year of Water, The Museum of Toulouse organizes various events throughout the years 2012 - 2013: temporary exhibition, thematic kiosk, conferences. The proposal of the Culture Diff' company to organize events on the theme of water on earth and in the universe has been selected by the Museum of Toulouse. Among these events there was a public lecture and a kiosk. The public lecture was entitled "Extraterrestrial Water: the revelations of the Herschel mission" and was given on January 10, 2013, by an IRAP astronomer. The kiosk, scheduled for the 3rd February 2013, was animated by the IRAP PhD students and researchers. On this occasion, various experiences were presented to the general public: the operation of the Herschel satellite, which revealed the omnipresence of deuterium in the universe ; the production of comets, vehicles of water in the solar system ; the use of heavy water as a moderator in nuclear power plants ; the evaporation of water on Mars, etc. The latest results of the MSL-CHEMCAM mission driven from Toulouse by some of the IRAP employees were also discussed. The program of the day is available here.
July - October 2012 : Contribution to the organization of the Scientific Days of the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées)
The IRAP Scientific Days took place on the 4th and 5th October 2012 at the Cité de l'Espace, Toulouse. They were the opportunity to discuss various crossed thematics, including "Education and opening of the IRAP to the public." The Culture Diff' company was charged with conducting this session during which were discussed the following topics : current and future developments of the IRAP website, collaborative projects in progress and / or recurrent (made with the Academy of Toulouse, the Cité de l'Espace, the LabEx OCEVU, La Ferme des Etoiles, Europe, the City of Toulouse, Science Animation, Les Etoiles brillent pour tous, the Museum of Toulouse, les Chemins Buissonniers); finally, the tweets @IRAP_France, another mode of dissemination of our activities.
April - October 2012 : Contribution to the organization of the participation of the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées) to the 2012 Edition of the Festival of Science
The laboratories of the Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees specialized in the Sciences of the Universe, among which the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie, contributed to the 2012 edition of the Festival of Science, focused on "sustainable energy, renewable energy for all". Their staff offered to lead, through experiments, demonstrations and presentations, the Science Village that was installed at Toulouse, Jardin des Plantes. On the proposal of the Culture Diff' company, two topics were more specifically covered : solar energy and geothermal energy. "Solar energy, which we consider as "clean", comes from the largest nuclear power station of our solar system. Similarly, geothermal energy would not exist if our Earth did not contain a hot liquid iron core and radioactive elements which liberate this "great" energy. By comparison, it would probably be impossible to exploit energy from the interior of Mars, too cold right now. Thus, at least two energy sources that we consider as "clean" in terms of political ecology are not at the origin. They are neither sustainable, on the scale of the universe, since both solar and terrestrial sources are being depleted over millions or billions of years." (source Karine Gadré).
February - April 2012 : Contribution to the organization of the Secondary Teachers' Day at the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées)
In the continuity of the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Toulouse-Tarbes, the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie organizes every spring the Secondary Teacher's Day. The principle is as follows: twenty teachers of the Academy of Toulouse attend, for one day, the presentations of their work (in the form of lectures, experiments) by the IRAP researchers and engineers, then discuss with them about the careers and disciplines of astronomy and planetology. The program for the day set for April 3, 2012 included oral presentations relating to the Milky Way, the seismological network of the Pyrenees, the planets of the Solar System, the PILOT mission, ...
October 2011 - 2021 : Translation (in French) of ESO Press Releases
ESO, or European Southern Observatory, builds and manages, on behalf of its fifteen member countries, a series of astronomical telescopes which are among the most advanced in the world, on the sites of La Silla, Paranal and Chajnantor in Chile. ESO is also the European partner of ALMA, and otherwise programs the realization of a giant European telescope, the E-ELT or European Extremely Large Telescope. The use of these means of observation by researchers from the whole world regularly gives rise to important astronomical discoveries, and thus to the writing of press releases, which every member countries must translate into their own language. The Culture Diff' company is regularly asked to perform the translation of ESO press releases in French.
14th - 15th October 2011 : Contribution to the Inauguration of the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées)
The inauguration of IRAP coincided with the 2011 edition of the Festival of Science. Four moments have been devised: 1. a grand opening Friday, October 14th, with representatives of the University of Toulouse, the CNRS, and partners of the IRAP (CNES, RTRA, etc.). It concluded with a buffet open to all. 2. Scientific animations for the general public: the presentation of the robot ChemCam, manufacturing cores of comets, the use of a solarscope, a planetary symphony, conferences, etc. 3. Tours for school on Friday afternoon, the 14th. 4. An opening day : Saturday, October 15. The Culture Diff' company welcomed two classes of college on the Roche place on Friday, October 14. As an IRAP Associate researcher, I gave a public lecture entitled "Archaeology and Astronomy: two paths to the past" on Saturday, October 15. This was followed by an Egyptian pot..
September 2011 - December 2012 : Management of the Website of the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées)
After contributing to the development of the new website of the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie, the Culture Diff' company was given the mission to carry out its activities: writing of Press Releases in Franch and English, regular updating of its content, Web assistance to the IRAP employees, ...
September - October 2011 : Contribution to the drafting of the Communication component of the LabEx OCEVU
This Labex or Laboratory of Excellence named OCEVU (Origin, Components and EVolution of the Universe), if chosen by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, will aim to bring together researchers from five major laboratories in southern France: the IRAP (Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie, Toulouse), the LUPM (Laboratoire Univers et Particules of Montpellier), the LAM (Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille), the CPT (Centre de Physique Théorique, Marseille) and the CPPM (Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille). Considering their respective expertise and experiences, the Communication correspondents of the five laboratories in question were charged, in the fall of 2011, to propose different kinds of diffusion (towards young people, amateurs and enthusiasts, the general public) and promotion (towards the supervisory authorities, institutions, corporations) of the results of basic research in the fields of cosmology, particle physics and theoretical physics. The Culture Diff' company was designated as the Communication correspondent of the IRAP researchers taking part in the Labex OCEVU. Paris, the 14th February 2012 : the OCEVU project has been chosen by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research as a LabEx. As such, it will have a budget of 10 million euros over the period 2012 to 2020.
March 2011 - December 2012 : Managing the contribution of the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées) to the Midi-Pyrenees Polaris network
The Midi-Pyrenees Polaris network aims at gathering every actors on the space sector in the Midi-Pyrenees area. The Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie is one of the main actors of this network : it gathers people who contribute, for some to the elaboration of space missions (conception of mechanical, optical, electronical components), for others to the processing of signals and images coming from satellites, for others to the data analyzing, indeed. The Culture Diff' company monitors the contribution of the IRAP to the Midi-Pyrenees Polaris network.
March 2011 - January 2017 : Management of the Website of the Graduate School "Sciences de l'Univers, de l'Environnement et de l'Espace" (Université de Toulouse)
After designing the new Website of the Graduate School « Sciences de l'Univers, de l'Environnement et de l'Espace », the Culture Diff' company carries out its management : regular updating of its content, development of new web tools, institutional monitoring, etc ...
February - June 2011 : Contribution to the development of the website of the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées)
The Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP) was established on the 1st January 2011. It is a new joint research unit of the University Paul Sabatier in Toulouse and the CNRS, resulting from the consolidation of staff (administrative, technical, engineering, (teachers)-researchers) coming from three laboratories of the Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées : the Centre d'Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements (CESR), the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Toulouse-Tarbes (LATT) and the laboratory of Dynamique Terrestre et Planétaire (DTP). The creation of this new Institute is accompanied by the making up of the associated Website, with details related to its internal organization, research, development and education. Because of its numerous relationships with the laboratories that unites the Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, the Culture Diff' company was chosen to accompany the implementation of the Web site of the IRAP.
January 2011 - December 2012 : Reception of schoolboys and schoolgirls at the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées)
During their studies, college students must perform a "work experience" for a few days. Depending upon the institutions to which they belong, these courses take place in the 4th or the 3rd grade. Following the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Toulouse-Tarbes (LATT), the Centre Study of Space Radiation (CESR) and the Laboratory of Terrestrial and Planetary Dynamics (DTP), the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP) engaged in welcoming these young boys and girls. The objective is to enable them to discover the research environment and actors in the field of the Sciences of the Universe. To this end, each student meets successively the researchers, engineers, PhD students, postdocs, technicians, computer specialists, managers, librarians of the laboratories which make up the Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees : Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP), Laboratoire d'Aérologie (LA), Laboratory of Geophysics and Oceanography (LEGOS), Centre d'Etudes Spatiales of the Biosphere (CESBIO), Laboratory of Functional Ecology (Ecolab), Geosciences Environment Toulouse (GET) and Common Services (UMS). Since the Culture Diff' company is closely linked with the research laboratories of the Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees and since spreading the scientific knowledge to the general public is one of its missions, the Culture Diff' company was asked to welcome the young people willing to do their work experience at the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP).
November 2010 - December 2012 : Join in the "Sky to Sky" project of the Ecole Supérieure d'Art et de Céramique des Pyrénées (ESAC)
Sky to Sky is one of the research projects offered to the students-artists by the ESAC teachers. It is a work in various workshops to design and develop learning experiences, create exhibitions, events and performances, symposiums and research result through research partnerships involving both students, artists and researchers.
As a research associate to the LATT then the IRAP (Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees), I was invited to participate in this project, to expose to students my research work on the theme of Egyptian ArchaeoAstronomy ("Egyptian ArchaeoAstronomy and Space Archaeology : two disciplines issued from the intersection between archeology, astronomy and the space sector"), to meet real artists, to share our training, to discuss our respective achievements.
May - September 2010 : Design of the Website of the Graduate School "Sciences de l'Univers, de l'Environnement et de l'Espace" (Université de Toulouse)
The new website of the Graduate School of the Sciences of the Universe, Environment and Space in Toulouse, France, aims at providing to the doctoral students, to the researchers of the partner laboratories, to the public and private companies, relevant and regularly updated information related to the organization and principle of functioning of the graduate school, to the thesis topics proposed, the funding options, the Charter of the theses, the scientific and cultural complementary formations, the theses in co-supervision, the past and future defenses, the monitoring and the future of the graduate students of the school, etc... This website was made with SPIP by the Culture Diff' company. At the request of the Director of the graduate school, changes are periodically made to it.
November 2009 - December 2010 : Reception of schoolboys at the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Toulouse-Tarbes (LATT, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées)
During their studies, college students must perform a "work experience" for a few days. Depending upon the institutions to which they belong, these courses take place in the 4th or the 3rd grade. These last years, the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Toulouse-Tarbes engaged in welcoming these young boys and girls. The objective is to enable them to discover the research environment and actors in the field of the Sciences of the Universe. To this end, each student meets successively the researchers, engineers, PhD students, postdocs, technicians, computer specialists, managers, librarians of the laboratories which make up the Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees : Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Toulouse-Tarbes (LATT), Laboratoire d'Aérologie (LA), Laboratory of Terrestrial and Planetary Dynamics (DTP), Laboratory of Geophysics and Oceanography (LEGOS), Centre Study Space Radiation (CESR), Centre d'Etudes Spatiales of the Biosphere (CESBIO), Laboratory of Functional Ecology (Ecolab), Laboratory of Geological and Transfer Mechanisms (LMTG) and Common Services (UMS). Since the Culture Diff' company is closely linked with the research laboratories of the Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees and since spreading the scientific knowledge to the general public is one of its missions, the Culture Diff' company was asked to welcome the young people willing to do their work experience at the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Toulouse-Tarbes.
October 2008 - June 2009 : Enhancing the European Solar Rally Phebus
Each year since 2000, the CER Phébus Ariège association organizes, in collaboration with the Catalan Association Volt Tour, a solar car rally between Spain (Catalonia) and France (Midi-Pyrenees). Objective: demonstrating the viability of using solar energy in everyday life, in all types of travel, in all types of conditions (traffic, weather, light, etc.). The 2009 European Solar Rally Phebus held from the 29th May to the 1st June 2009. It connected Barcelona to Toulouse through Mataro, Tautavel, Lagrasse and Carcassonne. The Culture Diff' company was chosen by the CER Phébus Ariège to enhance this event with local authorities (city councils, regional councils, etc.), carmakers and professionals of the sustainable development, and to raise the funds necessary to cover the organization and the promotion of the 2009 edition. See the video introducing the European Solar Rally Phebus ...
September 2008 - August 2010 : Making up of the development and production servers of the COROT (COnvection, ROtation and planetary Transits) mission
The COROT mission is a collaboration between the CNES (the supervisor), several French laboratories like the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Toulouse-Tarbes (LATT), the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille (LAM) and the Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS), various European countries and Brazil. This mission has two main scientific objectives: better understanding the physical phenomena which take place in stellar environments on the one hand, discovering new extrasolar planets on the other hand. Both objectives require the adoption of distinct techniques : stellar seismology (detection and study of the vibration of stars) and transit method (observation of periodic micro-eclipses which the planets cause as they pass in front of their parent star). Prior to the mission, and in order to prepare the observation program of the COROT satellite, an Oracle database made up with several tables was set up. Some of these tables are related to seismology, others to the search for extrasolar planets, and others contain the USNO star catalog. This pre-observational database is hosted at the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Toulouse-Tarbes, on a dedicated server named COROTSERVER, accessible from the outside at: My job was to replace the existing servers (a development server and a production server) by two new generation servers, to create a new Oracle database with updated tables and to improve the web interface between the user and the newly created Oracle database. To accomplish these tasks, I worked, part-time as a CNRS Research Engineer specialized in the Development and the Deployment of Applications at the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Toulouse-Tarbes.
November 2007 - November 2011 : Contribution to the writing of the book entitled « Cap sur les Pôles » bt Frédérique Rémy, DR CNRS, LEGOS, OMP
"100 questions ont été posées à des scientifiques : questions de curiosité, mais surtout questions pour comprendre ce qui menace l'équilibre fragile de la planète. Parce que les pôles, qui renferment les archives climatiques de la Terre, sont peut-être les meilleurs indicateurs de son état de santé. Historiens, préhistoriens, explorateurs, géographes, géologues, médecins, biologistes, astrophysiciens, physiciens, chimistes, écologues, climatologues, glaciologues, océanologues, naturalistes, zoologues, anthropologues, linguistes ... plus de 40 spécialistes de tous horizons ont répondu à l'appel. Ils ont disposé de deux pages pour formuler des réponses claires et accessibles à tous. 100 réponses trouvées aux confins du monde pour mieux comprendre ce qui secoue sa marche actuelle : réponses pour en finir avec les idées reçues, mais aussi réponses pour rêver, se laisser voguer à la rencontre d'espaces et de peuples inconnus ... Ce livre tout en couleur, riche de plus de deux cents images souvent inédites, s'ouvre comme un roman de Jules Verne qui vous passionnera de sa première à sa dernière ligne. Alors ... Cap sur les pôles !"
The Culture Diff' company was asked to answer the following question : « When was Mankind aware of the poles ? »
October - November 2006 : Collaboration in the production of a planetarium show on the theme of Egyptian Archaeoastronomy
The show entitled "The Stars of Pharaoh" is a collaboration with the Cité de l'Espace, Toulouse, France. It introduces the public to the ancient Egyptian knowledge of astronomy in relationship with various myths, on an image synthesis background: the pyramids on the Giza plateau, the temple of Hathor at Dendera, the Jubilee temple of Ramses II at Western Thebes, the temple of Abu Simbel, etc.. It is projected on the screens of the Cité de l'Espace since January 2007 and available in sign language since April 2008. Further details ...
March - July 2004 : Collaboration in the production of a planetarium show on the theme of Egyptian Archaeoastronomy
This show entitled "The lost temple" was conceived at the Saint-Etienne Planetarium (Spacecraft). It was inaugurated on February the 11th, 2005 in the presence of many journalists and some personalities: Hoda S. Elmikaty, Director of the Planetarium of Alexandria; Professor Taha Abdalla, Cultural and Scientific Counsellor, Embassy of Egypt, Ahmed Youssef, a writer and journalist, and myself, Karine Gadré as Scientific Advisor. Further details ...