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Exhibition « A Journey into the Universe » from June to October 2024 on the Allées Charles de Gaulle in Revel, Occitania, France

This exhibition, featuring some fifty images taken from the ground and from space, invites local residents and tourists alike to discover our Universe, the objects that fill it (planets, moons, stars, black holes, quasars, galaxies, etc.), and the tools of space exploration (rockets, orbital stations, interplanetary probes, rovers). To this end, these fifty images have been distributed along the spiral arms of a fictitious galaxy, each dedicated to a given theme: the Sky from Earth, the star cycle, planetary exploration, the Universe on a grand scale, the tools of space exploration.

On June 13, July 17 and August 14, 2024, interested visitors were invited to take a walk through the spiral arms of this galaxy - in other words, a guided tour of this exhibition entitled « Journey into the Universe », conceived and created in partnership with the Mairie de Revel and on display until the end of October on the allées Charles de Gaulle in Revel. Audio podcasts have also been created in collaboration with Revel City Council's communications department. Available on YouTube, they will accompany any solo promenade.

On September 23 and 30, 2024, a presentation of our Universe and the objects that fill it was offered to two 6th grade classes from College La Providence in Revel, on the exhibition site. A great moment of exchange and questioning!

Below you will find a virtual tour of the exhibition.

Exhibition A journey into the Universe
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The photographic galaxy

Below is the map of this exhibition devoted to our Universe - in other words, the distribution of the 50 photographs along the arms of the photographic galaxy:

Les missions Apollo

Computer graphics created by the Revel City Council communications department

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June 13, 2024: Exhibition opening

The opening of this exhibition took place on June 13, 2024 on the Allées Charles de Gaulle in Revel, in the presence of 50 to 75 people, including deputies and town councillors, as well as Senator Alain Chatillon. An opportunity to wander together along the spiral arms of our photographic galaxy.
A wonderful moment of sharing under the Sun of Occitania ...

Les missions Apollo

Photographs of the vernissage provided by the Revel Town Council communications department

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Virtual tour of the exhibition

Here are the images distributed along each of the spiral arms of the photographic galaxy.
Start the associated podcast (available in French only) and scroll through the images using the horizontal bar.

Podcast 1 : Space from Earth

Surface of the Sun Eclipse of the Sun Surface of the Moon Journey to the Moon Australis aurora Aurora viewed from ISS Comet Comet Surface of the Sun Eclipse of April 8, 2024

Podcast 2 : the star cycle

Horsehead Nebula Trifide Nebula Protoplanetary disk Star formation Herbig-Haro star Betelgeuse's surface Cluster of the Pleiades Cluster of the Pleiades Helix nebula Chariot Wheel Galaxy

Podcast 3 : Planetary exploration

Earth's rising above the Earth Surface of Mars Earth's rising above Mars Crater on Mars Jupiter's crescent Jupiter's south pole Encelade Geysers on Encelade Saturn's Moon Saturn's Moon Uranus Neptune

Podcast 4 : The Universe on a grand scale

Milky Way Gaia mission Artist's view of a quasar Photograph of a black hole Spiral Galaxy Numerical Simulation Cube of the universe Cosmic Microwave Background

Podcast 5 : The tools of space exploration

Ariane 6 on its launchpad White room at the CNES Last launch of Ariane 5 Jupiter Room, Kourou Solar eclipse viewed from MIR Space Debris First man on Moon Arrival of Perseverance on Mars Selfie of Perseverance Golden Disk of Voyager
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A final word ... ...

A warm thank you to all the contributors to this wonderful exhibition - and to the associated podcasts: to the municipal elected representatives, to the technical services and to the communications department of Revel City Council !