Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie n°21 (2016)
Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie n°21 (2016)

+ CCdE 1 | CCdE 2 | CCdE 3/4 | CCdE 5 | CCdE 6 | CCdE 7/8 | CCdE 9 | CCdE 10 | CCdE 11 | CCdE 12 | CCdE 13/14 | CCdE 15 | CCdE 16 | CCdE 17 | CCdE 18 | CCdE 19/20 | CCdE 21 | CCdE 22 | CCdE 23 | CCdE 24/25

Editorial d'Alain Anselin : Le vingt et unième numéro des Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie suit le fil de l'histoire, qui n'est jamais un long fleuve tranquille ...
HebatAllah A. A. Ibrahim, Prehistory, Ministry of Antiquities, Cairo, Egypt : "Tribute to Fred Wendorf, The desert's lion" (Article in English)
The extraordinary personnality of Fred Wendorf made the members of the Combined Phrehistoric Expedition at the Western Desert call him "Desert's Lion" despite of the fact that there are no lions in the Western Desert in Egypt, as a matter of fact he is a Leo, So we were right !
Mohamed Gamal Rashed, Director of Archaeological Research and Publications, The Egyptian Museum of Cairo (Article in English)
Publishing of a distinguished Predynastic ostrich eggshell at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo under the number of temporary inventory N. 93. It was acquired among other repatriated ancient Egyptian artifacts from Australia in 2011 after they were investigated by Prof. N. Kanawati on the behalf of the SCA. The eggshell is incised with typical decorations that are well known from the pottery of Naqada I and II ...
Alain Anselin, membre des Ankou : "L'image comme écho II. La fane, l'iconographie et la langue. Zoonymies, zoonomies, métaphores zoomorphes" (Article en Français)
En Egypte ancienne comme dans toutes les cultures humaines, les bestiaires et leurs iconographies ne représentent pas plus la faune, que les icônes végétales ou minérales le paysage. S'y condense le regard d'une société sur son propre univers. Ce qui est vrai du bestiaire et de l'iconographie vaut pour la langue, pour les langues où la faune trouve nom ...
Sandro Capochichi, Ph.D Candidate, Linguistics, University of Paris VII-Paris Diderot, Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle (Article in English)
The myth of the "Destruction of Mankind" is an Egyptian text first attested during the period of the New Kingdom. It has been described, from a narrative standpoint, as "one of the few coherent narrative accounts of the deeds of the gods of ancient Egypt" (Guilhou, 2010). The question of the synchrony of the Egyptian language used to write this text has generated several hypothesises ...
Gabor Takacs, Balatonederics, Hungary : "Aegyptio-Afroasiatica XXVIII" (Article in English)
During my current work on the Egyptian Etymologial Word Catalogue (ongoing since summer 1994), I have identified a many new lexical correspondences between Egyptian and its vast Afro-Asiatics (Semito-Hamitic) kindred. I have been reporting these results in my papers "Aegyptio-Afrosiatica" since 1995. The numbering of the etymological entries has been continuous beginning from my very first report ...
Rasha Metawi, University of Helwan, Cairo, "A Six Dynasty Architrave with a Possible Contribution to the Debate Surrounding the Date of Idut's Mastaba at Saqqarah" (Article in English)
The paper in hand deals with an Old Kingdom architrave, orginally found near Unis' Causeway, now kept in a government magazine at Saqqarah. It bears the number 41/2003 (also 801 excavations). It has been in storage at Saqqara for several decades, with no record of it ever having been exhibited ...
Abir Enany, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Archaeology, Misr University for Science and Technology : "Two Unpubished False Doors of Amenemhat I from el-Lisht in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo" (Article in English)
The two pieces studied in this paper are two false doors of King Amenemhat I (1985 - 1956 BC) that were found in his funerary complex at el-Lisht with the names and titles of the king on it. They shall be studied there as Document One and Document Two and are both currently on display in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Document One is the limestone false door JdE 40485 and Document Two is the granite false door JdE 45086 and both have not been published before.
Hussein Bassir, University of Arizona and Tamer Fahim, Fayon University : "Armana Royal Clothing. Tradition and Adaptation" (Article in English)
This article is concerned with Armana royal clothing, specifically the kilt, the bag-tunic and the robe of Amenhotep IV / Akhenaten, Nefertiti and the princesses, and sheds light through artistic description and analysis on any religious implications that their clothing may reveal. The Armana royal clothing was among the innovations of the Armana Age ...
Alberto Giannese, "Conflict-related representations in the 4th millenium Egypt. A study on ideology of violence Part II" (Article in English)
The oldest depictions which have sometimes been considered as violent are the anthropomorphic figures on five Naqada I C-Ware tall bakers. As subtly observed by Wengrow & Baines, these human depictions are among the few filled with solid colours on C-Ware. Two elongated bottles are from Abydos U-415 and are interpreted by the excavators as victory scenes ...
Faten Hamdi El-Elimi, Associate Professeur, Université du Canal de Suez : "L'Oignon dans l'Egypte ancienne" (Article en Français)
Que ce soit dans les textes gravés sur les parois des temples et des tombeaux ou sous forme de restes d'offrandes matérielles, les Egyptiens de l'Antiquité ont laissé de nombreux témoignages de leur mode d'alimentation. Traditionnellement cultivés le long des rives du fleuve et sur les îles alluviales, l'oignon et l'ail y sont parmi les légumes les plus cuisinés, avec les fèves, pois chiches, lentilles, concombres, laitues, poireaux, lotus et papyrus ...
Adel Zine al-Abedine, Département d'Archéologie, Université de Tanta : "Le titre du grand prêtre du dieu Sopdou" (Article en Français)
The title, Wn Pth, of high priest of the god Sopdu in Saft el-Henna area pr spd Oriental Delta, appeared in El-Sowwa, necropolis of the capital of the twentieth nome of Lower Egypt. The author studies the known attestations of the title ...

+ CCdE 1 | CCdE 2 | CCdE 3/4 | CCdE 5 | CCdE 6 | CCdE 7/8 | CCdE 9 | CCdE 10 | CCdE 11 | CCdE 12 | CCdE 13/14 | CCdE 15 | CCdE 16 | CCdE 17 | CCdE 18 | CCdE 19/20 | CCdE 21 | CCdE 22 | CCdE 23 | CCdE 24/25

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