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Cahiers Caribeens d'Egyptologie n°19/20 (2015)

Cahiers Caribeens d'Egyptologie n°19/20 (2015)


This book is made up of fifteen articles whose summary or introduction figures below and is available for sale for an amount of 34.00 euros (Shipping Included)

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Editorial d'Alain Anselin : Le numéro des Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie des quinze ans est conçu comme un jeu de miroirs où chaque article éclairerait un autre de sa lumière ...

point Karine Gadré, membre des Ankhou : "Préalable à l'identification des décans égyptiens : constitution d'une base de données archéologiques" (Article en Français)

La succession des apparitions ou culminations d'étoiles dans le ciel nocturne ou crépusculaire de l'Egypte ancienne marquait les heures de nuit. Ces étoiles dont la période d'invisibilité annuelle avoisinait alors les 70 jours sont aujourd'hui qualifiées de décanales parce qu'elles effectuaient leurs levers héliaques à quelque dix jours d'intervalle. Leurs appellations hiéroglyphiques figurent sur l'intérieur du couvercle de sarcophages, sur la surface extérieure de clepsydres, au plafond de temples et de tombes datant de la Première Période Intermédiaire à l'Epoque Romaine. Chacun de ces vestiges fait partie d'une base de données archéologiques dont la réalisation a constitué le préalable à l'identification des 90 étoiles décanales à des étoiles visibles à l'oeil nu ... Download this article

point Alain Anselin, membre des Ankhou : "L'image comme Echo I. The Bestiary and the Stars" (Article en Anglais)

L'image comme écho pour reprendre le titre d'un bel ouvrage de l'essayiste haïtien Maximilien Laroche, réunit en article des notes préparatoires aux communications des Colloques Origins 5 et LPNEA 11 tenus respectivement au Caire en avril 2014 et à Poznan en juillet 2015. Les iconographies des sites archéologiques des sixième, cinquième et quatrième millénaires BC de la Vallée du Nil et de son vaste arrière-pays saharo-nubien sont les boîtes noires de cultures disparues ou dis-continuées plus loin, plus au sud, plus près de l'eau des lacs saisonniers, des oasis, du Nil et d'un réseau de rivières peu à peu perdues ... Images muettes pourtant ...

point Oum Ndigi : "Il était une fois ... un Jars, un Oeuf, et l'Univers ..." (Article en Français)

L'un des textes mythologiques les plus anciens de l'Egypte ancienne est le mythe de l'oeuf cosmique publié et interprété par Serge Sauneron et Jean Yoyotte en 1959. "L'oeuf, venu on ne sait comment, contenait un jars, le Grand Jargonneur, personnification solaire qui inaugurait le nouvel état du monde en jetant ses cris rauques à travers le silence". Le mythe hermopolitain suit un processus créateur plus précis. L'oiseau mythique est le jars lui-même ...

point Sebastian Francisco Maydana : "Of Hippopotami and Hawks. Some remarks on an Egyptian primeval rivalry" (Article en Anglais)

The Temple of Horus in Edfou is remarkable both for its architecture and its extraordinary state of preservation. Its walls, covered in inscriptions, tell the story of Horus of Behedet, the divine local hero, and his untimely confrontation with the disorderly power of Seth. Untimely, that is, out of time, repeated a thousand times over with the same invariable outcome : victory of the hawk god, his revenge over the death of his father Osiris and the reproduction of cosmic order ...

point Candelaria Martin del Rio Alvarez, Eduardo Almenara Rosales : "The grave goods of Naqada IIIA2. An analysis of tomb 142 of the Fort Cemetery at Hierakonpolis" (Article en Anglais)

The Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain, holds a small collection of Egyptian objects which arrived at 1908. Five of them were found a the Fort Cemetery of Hierakonpolis and, specifically, two were from the same tomb, number 142. This paper has a dual purpose : on one hand, present the objects that were registered as missing until year 2000, and on the other hand, analyze the archaeological and chronological context of their place of origin ...

point Vasileios Chrysikopoulos : "Victor Loret and the collection of the Egyptian Antiquities of the Museum of the Island of Samos" (Article en Anglais)

When the October 21, 1898, the letter bearing the n°534 of registration of the Service des Antiquités, signed by the Director General Victor Loret during his term as from 1897 to 1899, left the Palace of Giza to be delivered, six days later at the Museum of Samos, a new link came strenghten the already initimate relationships between Egypt and Greece ...

point Hend Sherbiny and Hussein Bassir : "A Wooden Hawk (Horus) Statuette from the Late Period of the ancient Egypt at Arizona State Museum" (Article en Anglais)

Publication of one of six wooden pieces in the Arizona State Museum at the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA. The wooden piece is a hawk statuette. Wood was used in ancient Egypt for different purposes such as making statues, furniture, coffins and funeral boxes. Ancient Egyptian local woods are sycamore fig, the Nile acacia, tamarisk, Carob, Dom Palm, and Date Palm. Although Egypt was not that rich in producing local wod of good quality, the ancient Egyptians tried very hard to overcome this problem by using what nature gave them. People of more lower classes especially used that local wood in producing statuettes, coffins, and furniture ...

point Galal Refai, Université d'Alexandrie : "The new symbolic significance to some Egyptian royal stelae dating back to the Roman period (II)" (Article en Anglais)

The majority of archaeologists dealt with the royal stela as a relief showing the relationship between the sovereign and the divinity, in addition to a text in ancient Egyptian language. However, this paper will touch upon the symbolic significance that lies behid some particular stelae dating back to Augustus, Tiberius, probably Domitian, and Dicocletian ...

point Hend Sherbiny : "Studies in Dendro-Chronology II. Wood trade routes and wood types and uses in Ancient Egypt" (Article en Anglais)

It is known in Egyptological litterature that indigenous Egyptian wood species are not of good quality ; good quality timber always had to be imported from the Near East. Connections between Egypt and Byblos in Lebanon are documented since the Old Kingdom. Byblos played an important role as a port, and from the time of the unification of Egypt it was employed by the ancient Egyptians as a major source of wood ...

point Zeinab S. Hashesh, BioArchaeologist, Ministry of Antiquities, Egypt : "The Mummy of Fake King W3h ib r'" (Article en Anglais)

During the Excavation season 2014 at Tell Tebilla, Dakhalia governorate, the Egyptian Archaeologists team headed by Salem Elboghdady, discovered a mudbrick Mastaba dated to the 26th Dynasty. Three mummies have been revealed in situ, one of them announced as the King W3h ib r' according his name written inside its cartouche and on its cartonnage. The written evidence said that he was the King W3h ib r' but the osteological analysis were opposite. This paper sheds light from the significant osteological analysis to confirm or invalidate the results such occurred in W3h ib r' case ...

point Ibrahim Megahed and Hussein Bassir : "The Clay Naos of the Goldsmith Sankhuher in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo" (Article en Anglais)

Publication of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo naos CG 70041 of the goldsmith Sankhuher, found in the so-called "nécropole des chanteuses" by A. Mariette among the stelae of the songstresses of Osiris at Shunet el-Zebib, Abydos, dating to the late Twentieth Dynasty. Three women : Tabaketnetast, Tasethaeitenirriteth and Sheritre, and two men : Sankhuher and Shediwahsu, are represented inscribed in the surface of the clay naos in three scenes exhibiting three different epithets or manifestations of the god Osiris. Translitteration, translation and discussion of the naos are presented. A genealogy for all of these individuals is here proposed. This naos was created and left probably in a tomb at Abydos so that these individuals could benefit presumably from being in the presence of the sacred realm of Osiris, and could participate in the rituals and mysteries of Osiris at Abydos ...

point Adel Zine al-Abedine, Département d'Archéologie, Université de Tanta : "Le titre w'b 'wy" (Article en Français)

Le titre w'b 'wy" est un des titres associés à la pureté. Il est apparu au début du Nouvel Empire, en particulier sous le règne du roi Thoutmosis II, et a continué d'apparaître par la suite ...

point Alberto Gianese : "Conflict-related representations in the 4th millenium Egypt. A study on ideology of violence (Part I)" (Article en Anglais)

This paper is an excerpt of my MA dissertation, dealing with the process of political unification in Early Egypt, from an iconographic perspective. Part 1 state goals, theoretical framework and methodology of the study. Part 2 will present the evidence, discuss its implications and try to offer a renewed, better informed way to look at representations and make sense of them ...

point Belen Castro : "Algunas observaciones sobre la realeza y las elites en los comienzos del periodo ramesida" (Article in Spanish)

El vinculo entre los grupos de elite y la realeza faraonica a lo largo de la historia egipcia ha sido intenso y complejo. El hecho de su continuidad, aun con tensiones, ha llevado en los anos '80 a la afirmacion por parte del egiptologo Klaus Baer de que Egipto habria sido gobernado durante toda su existencia, no por una monarquia centralizadora y divina, sino por un reducido numero de familias importantes ...

point Uros Matic, Ph.D candidate, Institut für Agyptologie und Koptologie, WWU-Münster : "Are Dardanians attested in Egyptian sources ?" (Article en Anglais)

This paper deals with the toponym d3rdny / drdny / dndny attested in Ramesside sources (maybe even earlier) and often interpreted as the earliest attestation of Dardanians, later mentioned by Greek and Roman authors. First the corpus of known attestations is presented with context, date and orthography. Then the location of the toponym is discussed based on the Ramesside sources followed by a discussion of certain pecularities such as the Mryn.w drdny - "charioteers of drdny" and their depiction. Finally, the Egyptian attestations are compared to Greek and Roman sources and the problem of their use in archaeological interpretations is stressed, especially regarding the so-called Agaean migration and ethnicity ...

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