Some stones are decorated with strange engravings,
some ancient monuments have a particular orientation,
various writings mention the occurrence of remarkable celestial events.
With the help of appropriate softwares, let's try to determine the star mentioned,
the celestial object towards which the considered monument was oriented.
+ AstroGraphy | Softwares | Publications | PhD thesis | Lectures | Press Review

The Culture Diff' ArcheoAstronomy softwares have been developed on the basis of programs conceived during my doctoral thesis devoted to Ancient Egyptian Astronomy. A unique feature of these softwares is that they combine several algorithms of astrometry (relating to the positioning of stars on the celestial vault) and of photometry (linked with the brightness of the object sighted, the luminosity of the sky, local atmospheric conditions and the visual acuity of the observer). As a consequence, they allow to accurately determine the time and place (azimuth and height above the local horizon) at which a celestial object appears/disappears on/from the local celestial vault - at dusk, in dark night or at dawn, at any time since the year 4713 BC.
To date, three astronomy softwares are at your disposal, leading you to determine with great accuracy:
the days of heliacal rising and setting of any star visible with the naked eye,
the days of solstices and equinoxes in any place of terrestrial longitude,
the astronomical source of orientation of any monument erected since 4712 BC.

The access, for an indefinite period, to the user interface of these regularly updated softwares, is available for a fee : 20.00 €, 7.50 € and 45.00 € respectively. But free tests of these softwares are at your disposal within the Culture Diff' Client Area.

Save 15 % ! The pack of three astronomy softwares is available at a preferential rate of 62,00 € (instead of 72,50 €)

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